Tuning software external control io via dsub connector battery backup system flash memory for firmware. If anyone would like to do an addon article to this one that describes how to program digital quiet tone dpl dcg please consider this an invitation to do so. Kpg111dn must be installed in pc prior to installing kpg163dnk. Presently there are three ways to program a tkrn20. The older tkr720820 series repeaters have two eeproms, one is on the inside front panel pc board, the other on the repeater interface board inon the top of the actual rf radio chassis inside. Kenwood programming cables this is an outdated chart which is kept for historical reasons. Refer to the tkr740 k, k2, k3 service manual b518 50500 or tkr740e service manual b51864200 for any information which has not been covered in this service manual. Efjohnson 8600 series efjohnson 58765877 efjohnson 71807187 efjohnson ltr 71827186 efjohnson 8640 ltr. Kenwood programming software for tkb751, tkb851, tkr751, tkr851, tkr750, tkr850, tkr7500 and tkr8500 model repeaters pc programming cable needed for these radios is the kpg46, which comes with a serial port plug or the kpg46um, which comes with a usb port plug. Ts890s kenwood network command system setting manual pdf. I do not install an eeprom socket, as i dont need to.
Used reconditioned tkr720 when available, 144150mhz. Repeaters can function as a base station or repeater backup unit to suit various applications. This series of radios use the kpg7d dos based software. Ericssonge psx200psxse ericssonge mdx ericssonge mtl ge mls. Using the kenwood kpt20, which operates standalone with its own. Sold kenwood repeater tkr750 version 2 qrz forums thank you, pin.
All four of the above files as a single 980 kb zip file. Summary of contents for kenwood tkr 720 n page 1 nte352 silicon npn transistor rf power amp, driver description. Kenwood tkr 720 repeater programming issue kpt 50 qrz. After playing with a couple of these radios, i decided to make an informational page for them. Kenwood comm kpg radio programming software master cd perfect for radio shops. You can easily purchase programming software and a programming lead to manage. These repeaters are synthsized, and come in vhf and uhf models. Preface the tkr 740 uses flash memory to allow it to be easily the tkr 740 repeater is programmed by using a personal upgraded when new features are released in the future. Tkr850 contains many programmable functions tabled below.
The tkr750 has a high power output of 50w at 50% duty while the tkr850 offers 40w at 50% duty. We have only one price regardless of the software you choose. Tkr750850 land mobile radio communications kenwood. The tkr 750 has a high power output of 50w at 50% duty while the tkr 850 offers 40w at 50% duty. Apr 29, 20 keep pushing this key until you get tkr 720. The synthesizer is a free running oscillator, actually on the channel frequency in this case 146.
Diffused emitter resistors provide high vswr capability under rated operating conditions. Kenwood tkr850 multimode repeater vk4jlms ham radio. The front panel eeprom sets the frequencies of operation, the top mounted repeater board eeprom stores the ctcssdcs aka qtdqt information. Serial programming cable for kenwood mobile radios. Some notes on interfacing to the kenwood tkr720 and tkr. Compliance pack upgrade your kenwood tkr 720820 repeater to full ham compliance with. Answered kenwood kpg91d programming software tkr 750 tkr 850 kenwood kpg91d programming software tkr 750 tkr 850 tkr. Summary of contents for kenwood tkr720n page 1 nte352 silicon npn transistor rf power amp, driver description. Buy kenwood original twoway radios, accessories and parts. Ohiosolotech is the original software locating service. Tkr 720, tk820, tkb620, tkb 720 can work stand alone or can work with kpg21d software. Some notes on interfacing to the kenwood tkr720 and tkr820. Using the kenwood kpt20, which operates standalone with its own keyboard and screen.
What has probably happened is the last thing program with the kpt 50 was not a tkr 720. Kenwood tkr720 m2 tkr 720 m2 tkr720m2 pdf user manual for kenwood tkr720 m2 tkr 720 m2 tkr720m2. Please visit our ebay store where all we do is software. Kenwood is a leading manufacturers of walkie talkies, nexedge, pmr446 and ham radios. There is an article on how to bithack the tkr 720 or tkr 820 click here for the kpt50 click here for four photos of a kpt50 courtesy of. Tkr750850 land mobile radio communications kenwood india. Motorola gm300 motorola m1225 motorola sm50sm120 motorla maxtrac motorla gtx 800 mhz motorla spectra motorla maxar. Windows programming software for nx220320 ee2e3 nexedge portables and nx720820 gee nexedge mobiles. Wtb kpt20 kenwood radio frequency programmer eevblog. Comes preprogrammed with your call sign, and is modulation level preadjusted level can be further adjusted by the purchaser. Tkrd710 tkrd810 general frequency range type 1 type 2 6174 mhz 450520 mhz 400470 mhz channel spacing analog digital 2512. Very hard to find is the kenwood kpt field programmer for use to program the 820 720 repeater units and the 720 vhf 820uhf as well as many other kenwood radios. For an up to date list of kenwood programming software, see this page.
Nov 16, 2004 hi, would like to know if the tkr 720 repeater which come in two models need to be programmed using two different software. Using the kenwood kpt50, which can operate standalone with its own keyboard and screen, or using a pc with kpg21d software the required kenwood software package much easier. Kenwood comm kpg radio programming software master cd. This product complies with the rohs directive for the european market. Answered kenwood kpg91d programming software tkr750 tkr850 kenwood kpg91d programming software tkr750 tkr850 tkr. Refer to the tkr 740 k, k2, k3 service manual b518 50500 or tkr 740e service manual b51864200 for any information which has not been covered in this service manual. Kenwood supplemental information 7 land mobile radio notes there is an article on how to bithack the tkr 720 or tkr 820 click here for the kpt50 click here for four photos of a kpt50 courtesy of. Sold kenwood repeater tkr 750 version 2 qrz forums thank you, pin. Kpg47d kenwood tkr830, tkr740, tkr840 repeaters software kpg66d kenwood tkr750, tkr850, repeaters software firmware programming mode for tk860g, tk862g radios. Now plug in your program cable to the kenwood tkr720 repeater and program it. Kenwood had offered a battery backup connection option for the tkr720820. Kenwood tkr850 multimode repeater vk4jlms ham radio blog. I only ship whole repeaters to a us state address, no. Here we see the kenwood tkr720 repeater, opened up for programming and adjustments.
In order to use the mmdvm or any other external repeater controller with the tkr850, each repeater channel used for mmdvm must be programmed to operate in the duplex operating mode rather than the standard repeat mode used for standard analog fm repeater operation. Schematics of radios schematic of programmer radio. Hi, would like to know if the tkr 720 repeater which come in two models need to be programmed using two different software. What happens is i have found if you leave the program cable plugged in you cant change the model. Reprogram includes freq and ctcss and professionally align. Or how to hack this thing so i can program the eprom directly. Tkr720, tk820, tkb620, tkb720 can work stand alone or can work with kpg21d software. Kenwood does not make a windows version of this software. I was originally told that either a kpt20 or kpt50 is need to program those. Very hard to find is the kenwood kpt field programmer for use to program the 820720 repeater units and the 720 vhf 820uhf as well as many other kenwood radios.
Kenwood tkr 720 repeater programming issue kpt 50 qrz forums. Now plug in your program cable to the kenwood tkr 720 repeater and program it. Tkr 720 820 eeprom edit program for windows kpg22 kpg4 kenwood programmer schematic diagram. Only the g series 730g830g have the ability to narrowband 12. You can easily purchase programming software and a programming lead to manage your own radio and settings. Two way radio programming software radiotronics ireland.
Kenwood kpg21d is the genuine programming software for the kenwood tkb 720, tkr 720, tkr 820, tkb620 two way radios. Used reconditioned tkr 720 when available, 144150mhz. Kenwood programming software for tkb751, tkb851, tkr751, tkr 851, tkr 750, tkr 850, tkr 7500 and tkr 8500 model repeaters pc programming cable needed for these radios is the kpg46, which comes with a serial port plug or the kpg46um, which comes with a usb port plug. Use the mounting shims and bracket supplied with the tkr750850 to mount the kps15 inside the tkr750850. The older tkr 720 820 series repeaters have two eeproms, one is on the inside front panel pc board, the other on the repeater interface board inon the top of the actual rf radio chassis inside. The builtin 16 channels are preset and selectable from a remote control utilizing the remote io connector or preprogrammed key on the front panel. Kenwood kpg21d programming software for the kenwood tkb720, tkr720, tkr820, tkb620 two way radios. Mount the kps15 with the power switch facing out the rear of the tkr750850. Kenwood communications kpg programming cd best available we do not make this product what is on the cd to the best of our knowledge is listed below if you are looking for a certain kenwood software please message me i may have missed it in the list. Pdf kenwood tkr 750 programming cable kenwood corporation however, the title to and ownership of the software shall be owned by kenwood corporation. Tkr720820 eeprom edit program for windows kpg22 kpg4 kenwood programmer schematic diagram. Control program network command system internet host. Im aware of a tkr720 repeater and a tkb720 basestation, but not a.
Racom corporation 16610 east sprague ave spokane valley, wa 99037. This is a video of some of the steps i had to take to move a tkr 720 from business 150 band to the 2m ham band. Here we see the kenwood tkr 720 repeater, opened up for programming and adjustments. Im hoping this post makes the job go a bit more smoothly for anyone wanting to do. Our repeater has some problem while programming our assigned frqs of 152. What has probably happened is the last thing program with the kpt 50 was not a tkr720. Brute force hacking the kenwood tkr720 and tkr820 series. And programming software kpg66d are required for programming. Current list of vertexstandard radio programming files available for download in the members area.
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